Our friend Tim Hills of Tryscraft was doing some research and came across this gem of an article, on Alside Homes and Emil Tessin, teaching us that Emil has other buildings out there in the wild.

What is so fantastic, is to learn that Emil Tessin designed the incredible Alside HQ that is still standing in Ohio today. There have been some modifications to the building, but it is a very handsome piece of architecture.

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It is unfortunate to read that Jerome Kaufman and Emil had some disagreements over the design, and was likely the start of the demise of their relationship. I wonder what really happened to prevent the design from being completed as Emil intended.

Here is a picture of the HQ shortly after completion ….

Here are some images from google earth of the building today.


  1. I’m so happy I got on your mailing list as I just purchased tickets for your presentation at Modernism week in Palm Springs. I’m very excited to meet you as I lived in an old side exactly like yours only flipped. I am trying to gather pictures as most of them were on slides so I hope to show you a few. Linda


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